772 research outputs found

    Modelo explicativo multivariado de automedicación con antibióticos en estudiantes universitarios

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    OBJETIVO: Construir un modelo multivariado que explique la automedicación con antibióticos en estudiantes universitarios. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico transversal para un modelo estadístico multivariado, empleando un cuestionario que se llevó acabo con 2504 estudiantes universitarios de tres universidades de Trujillo, capital de la Región La Libertad. Con los datos se hallaron predictores y se construyó un modelo explicativo multivariado y se calculará el área ROC. RESULTADOS: Se analizó la información de 2404 estudiantes universitarios. El 42.4% de la muestra refiere haberse automedicado con antibióticos. Se identificaron predictores para la práctica de la automedicación: Estudiantes del género femenino (OR=1.23), facultades no asociadas a la ciencias de la salud(OR = 1,99), los de nivel socioeconómico bajo y medio (OR=41.06, OR=6.5), vivir solo (OR= 2.8) y nivel de conocimiento bajo y medio (OR = 3.22, OR = 1.42), La edad es un factor protector (OR=0,74). Nuestro modelo pronostica con un nivel alto (88%) la automedicación con antibióticos en los estudiantes universitarios. CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia de automedicación con antibióticos en estudiantes universitarios en nuestro estudio es de 42.4%. Nuestro modelo explica el 88% de automedicación en estudiantes universitarios e identificó asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la automedicación con antibióticos y las variables sociodemográficas y de conocimiento.OBJECTIVE: To construct a multivariate model that explains self-medication with antibiotics in university students. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An observational, cross-sectional analytical study was carried out for a multivariate statistical model, using a questionnaire that was carried out with 2504 university students from three universities in Trujillo, capital of the La Libertad Region. Predictors were found with the data and a multivariate explanatory model was built and the ROC area will be calculated. RESULTS: The information of 2404 university students was analyzed. 42.4% of the sample reported having self-medicated with antibiotics. Predictors for the practice of self-medication were identified: female students (OR = 1.23), faculties not associated with health sciences (OR = 1.99), those of low and medium socioeconomic level (OR = 41.06, OR = 6.5), living alone (OR = 2.8) and low and medium level of knowledge (OR = 3.22, OR = 1.42), Age is a protective factor (OR = 0.74). Our model predicts with a high level (88%) self-medication with antibiotics in university students. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of self-medication with antibiotics in university students in our study is 42.4%. Our model explains 88% of self-medication in university students and identified a statistically significant association between self-medication with antibiotics and the sociodemographic and knowledge variables.Tesi

    Beliefs and Practices of the Members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Mexico

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    The Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) in Mexico is organized into five geographic zones (Conferences). The instrument Survey 2017 for Members of the SDA, created by the General Conference of SDA, was applied in order to identify the SDA members’ profile in Mexico in relation to aspects related to belief and practice. The sampling scheme used was non-probabilistic for convenience. The sample size was n = 2,351 members of the SDA in Mexico. An exploratory descriptive analysis was carried out in seven key aspects: personal demographics, household demographics and religion, religious behavior and religious roles, attitudes and experiences, wellbeing, beliefs and health. A factorial analysis was made to the sections Attitudes and Religious Experiences and Beliefs , using Principal Component Analysis. The internal consistency of the Religious Attitudes and Experiences section was evaluated by means of the Cronbach\u27s Alpha coefficient. Three factors were identified regarding Attitudes and Religious Experiences: 1) Identity and Mission, 2) Biblical Foundations, 3) Training and Communication. For Beliefs, two factors were identified: 1) Fundamental Beliefs, 2) Spiritual Implications. Regarding the extracted factors, comparisons were made by Conference, gender and age, using ANOVA of a factor. Spatial representations of the performance of each Conference were made. The IBM SPSS Statistics Version 22, R-Studio®, and QGis® software were used for data analysis. The level of significance was set at 0.0

    Diseño de un Modelo Predictivo Basado en Machine Learning para el Control de la Deserción de Estudiantes en la Universidad Ricardo Palma

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    Este trabajo de investigación presenta un modelo predictivo inteligente que aprende automáticamente de acuerdo a la información que se le brinda, estos tipos de algoritmos de Machine Learning utilizan los datos de tal manera que puedan predecir comportamientos futuros automáticamente. Toda esta metodología implica que los sistemas creados mejoren de manera autónoma con el pasar del tiempo. Nuestro proyecto identificará el perfil de deserción estudiantil en la Universidad Ricardo Palma. Esto beneficia directamente al estudiante y a la institución, el objetivo es que los estudiantes deben concluir con su formación académica. Actualmente, la Universidad tiene una alta tasa de deserción que puede alcanzar el 22% en los primeros ciclos (Ciclo 2-6), cuando se realiza la transición de los cursos básicos a los de especialización. Esto ocasiona muchos problemas en la programación académica de la respectiva Facultad. Se ha hecho un análisis que estos indicadores son a raíz del bajo nivel académico, no adecuación del perfil del estudiante, desinterés por parte de los profesores, mal atención el proceso de matrícula y asignación de horarios de los cursos, alto costo de la matrícula, y un supuesto problema de una falta de selección de los potenciales estudiantes e inadecuada atención a los estudiantes

    Influencia de la Capacidad Portante en el Tipo de Cimentación del Módulo B de la Institución Educativa Daniel Gonzales Prada

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    La presente investigación que tuvo de título: “INFLUENCIA DE LA CAPACIDAD PORTANTE EN EL TIPO DE CIMENTACIÓN DEL MÓDULO B DE LA INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA DANIEL GONZALES PRADA”, donde tuvo su Problema general: ¿De qué manera influye la capacidad portante en la cimentación del módulo B de la institución educativa Daniel Gonzales Prada?, y su Objetivo general: Determinar la influencia de la capacidad portante en la cimentación del módulo B de la institución educativa Daniel Gonzales Prada, proponiendo la Hipótesis general: La capacidad portante influye positivamente en la cimentación del módulo B de la institución educativa Daniel Gonzales Prada. Sobre la parte metodológica se utilizó el Método de investigación: deductivo-inductivo, el tipo de investigación: aplicada, el nivel de investigación: descriptivo-comparativo y el diseño de investigación: no experimental de corte transversal donde la Población: estará por las cimentaciones de la institución educativa Daniel Gonzales Prada y la Muestra será no probabilística, el tipo de muestreo será por conveniencia y fue elegida la cimentación del módulo B de la institución educativa Daniel Gonzales Prada, Todo esto nos llevó a la conclusión principal: Se analizó la influencia de las vigas de sección variable en el comportamiento estructural en una vivienda unifamiliar de la ciudad de Huancayo, concluyendo que estas favorecen positivamente, como se pudo observar en el caso 2 y caso 3, los desplazamientos laterales disminuyeron a comparación del caso 1, esto ocasiona que la rigidez de la estructura aumente y tenga un mejor comportamiento durante un movimiento sísmico. De igual manera se reduce el peso de la estructura favoreciendo a la cortante basal y al equilibrio de cargas

    A New Virtual Reality Interface for Underwater Intervention Missions

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    Ponencia presentada en IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 53, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 14600-14607Nowadays, most underwater intervention missions are developed through the well-known work-class ROVs (Remote Operated Vehicles), equipped with teleoperated arms under human supervision. Thus, despite the appearance on the market of the first prototypes of the so-called I-AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for Intervention), the most mature technology associated with ROVs continues to be trusted. In order to fill the gap between ROVs and incipient I-AUVs technology, new research is under progress in our laboratory. In particular, new HRI (Human Robot Interaction) capabilities are being tested inside a three-year Spanish coordinated project focused on cooperative underwater intervention missions. In this work new results are presented concerning a new user interface which includes immersion capabilities through Virtual Reality (VR) technology. It is worth noting that a new HRI module has been demonstrated, through a pilot study, in which the users had to solve some specific tasks, with minimum guidance and instructions, following simple Problem Based Learning (PBL) scheme. Finally, it is noticeable that, although this is only a work in progress, the obtained results are promising concerning friendly and intuitive characteristics of the developed HRI module. Thus, some critical aspects, like complexity fall, training time and cognitive fatigue of the ROV pilot, seem more affordable now

    Preliminary Work on a Virtual Reality Interface for the Guidance of Underwater Robots

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    The need for intervention in underwater environments has increased in recent years but there is still a long way to go before AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicleswill be able to cope with really challenging missions. Nowadays, the solution adopted is mainly based on remote operated vehicle (ROV) technology. These ROVs are controlled from support vessels by using unnecessarily complex human–robot interfaces (HRI). Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the complexity of these systems to make them easier to use and to reduce the stress on the operator. In this paper, and as part of the TWIN roBOTs for the cooperative underwater intervention missions (TWINBOT) project, we present an HRI (Human-Robot Interface) module which includes virtual reality (VR) technology. In fact, this contribution is an improvement on a preliminary study in this field also carried out, by our laboratory. Hence, having made a concerted effort to improve usability, the HRI system designed for robot control tasks presented in this paper is substantially easier to use. In summary, reliability and feasibility of this HRI module have been demonstrated thanks to the usability tests, which include a very complete pilot study, and guarantee much more friendly and intuitive properties in the final HRI-developed module presented here

    Negative feedback and transcriptional overshooting in a regulatory network for horizontal gene transfer

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is a major force driving bacterial evolution. Because of their ability to cross inter-species barriers, bacterial plasmids are essential agents for HGT. This ability, however, poses specific requisites on plasmid physiology, in particular the need to overcome a multilevel selection process with opposing demands. We analyzed the transcriptional network of plasmid R388, one of the most promiscuous plasmids in Proteobacteria. Transcriptional analysis by fluorescence expression profiling and quantitative PCR revealed a regulatory network controlled by six transcriptional repressors. The regulatory network relied on strong promoters, which were tightly repressed in negative feedback loops. Computational simulations and theoretical analysis indicated that this architecture would show a transcriptional burst after plasmid conjugation, linking the magnitude of the feedback gain with the intensity of the transcriptional burst. Experimental analysis showed that transcriptional overshooting occurred when the plasmid invaded a new population of susceptible cells. We propose that transcriptional overshooting allows genome rebooting after horizontal gene transfer, and might have an adaptive role in overcoming the opposing demands of multilevel selection.Work was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (BFU2011–26608) and the European Seventh Framework Program (289326/FP7-KBBE-2011-5 and 282004/FP7–HEALTH-2011-2.3.1–2) to FdlC.Peer Reviewe

    Propuesta didáctica para el desarrollo de las competencias del área de educación religiosa en estudiantes del primer año de educación secundaria de una institución educativa parroquial de la Victoria-Lima

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    El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional tiene como propósito elaborar una propuesta didáctica para el desarrollo de las competencias del área de educación religiosa en los estudiantes del primer grado de educación secundaria de una institución educativa parroquial del distrito de la Victoria-Lima. Se fundamenta en el paradigma Socio cognitivo humanista, donde el estudiante no sólo adquiere conocimientos, sino que también va desarrollando sus competencias, capacidades y destrezas juntamente con la adquisición de valores y actitudes que tanta falta hace hoy en la sociedad. En el primer capítulo se desarrolla la planificación del trabajo y el diagnóstico y características de dicha institución educativa parroquial como también los objetivos planteados. En el segundo capítulo se desarrolla las teorías cognitivas, socio contextuales y el paradigma Socio cognitivo humanista que fundamentan la acción pedagógica y, finalmente, en el tercer capítulo se desarrolla la programación curricular desde la programación anual, de unidades, sesiones de aprendizaje con sus respectivas fichas, instrumentos de evaluación y concluyendo con un proyecto de aprendizaje.This dissertation aims to provide a viable didactic tool that enhances learning skills in Religious Education; it is designed for students attending the first year of secondary school in any parish in Victoria-Lima district. The work is based on the humanistic sociocognitive paradigm in which students absorb knowledge and they gain some crucial skills merging together with values and behaviors lacking in today’s society. The first part presents the dissertation plan and it analyzes the traits of the chosen educational institution as well as the work purposes. The second part focuses on cognitive and social studies at the basis of pedagogical activity. Finally, in the third part shows curricular yearly programs divided into units, specific workshops with their own

    Insomnia Disorder in Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Patients: Clinical, Comorbidity, and Treatment Correlates

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    Trastorn per dèficit d'atenció i hiperactivitat; Comorbilitat; Trastorn d'insomniTrastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad; Comorbilidad; Trastorno de insomnioAttention deficit and hyperactivity disorder; Comorbidity; Insomnia disorderIntroduction: Several investigations have been performed on insomnia symptoms in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, the relationship between insomnia disorder and adult ADHD has been neglected in research. The main objective of the current study is to analyze the differences between adult ADHD patients with and without insomnia disorder, in terms of ADHD clinical severity, medical and psychiatric comorbidity, psychopharmacological treatment, and quality of life. Material and Methods: Two hundred and fifty-two adult patients with ADHD (mean age 37.60 ± 13.22 years; ADHD presentations—combined: 56.7%, inattentive: 39.7%, hyperactive/impulsive: 3.6%) were evaluated with an exhaustive clinical and psychological evaluation protocol including semistructured interviews (for comorbidities and ADHD assessment) and symptom rating scales for ADHD. The diagnosis of ADHD and insomnia disorder was made according to DSM-5 criteria. Furthermore, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Insomnia Severity Index, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale were administered. Results: Insomnia disorder was found in 44.4% of adult ADHD patients and was more common in combined presentation (64.3%) and in patients with more ADHD severity. Comorbidities (both medical and psychiatric), especially mood disorders (42%), anxiety disorder (26.8%), personality disorder (39.3%), and any substance use disorder (11.6%), were associated with a higher insomnia disorder prevalence. ADHD stimulant treatment was related to lower insomnia disorder compared to patients without medication, as well as ADHD stable treatment. Additionally, worse health-related quality of life was associated with insomnia disorder. Conclusion: Insomnia disorder is highly prevalent in adult ADHD and is related to higher ADHD severity and more psychiatric and medical comorbidities. Some stimulants and stable pharmacological ADHD treatment are associated with better outcomes of insomnia disorder.The research leading to these results has received funding from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI18/01788) and supported by the EU's Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant No. 667302, CoCA and Grant No. 728018 Eat2beNICE)